Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I just typed "mackinac fairy costs" thinking 'fairy' looked a little odd, but oddly right.


Monday, July 21, 2008


Sometimes I feel like I'm in a different country up here. For a month or so this summer, I did a pretty good job keeping up on the news, getting BBC daily updates, and in general hearing what's going on in the states too.

But as of late, I have missed most of the news about fires in California (all the poor rich people whose well-insuranced homes are in firepaths...), flooding in the Ohio/Mississippi watershed of Southern Illinois and beyond, and apparently now it's hurricane season?


Up here in camp-land, we're gearing up for the busiest time activity-wise. Since it's Pastors Seminar this week, that means they leave Friday morning and we have the place to ourselves for a delightful night! We'll be having out annual international dinner (there are 22 AMAZING recipes planned) and after that the Chatterbox (featuring our local international talent- in our very own Lundgren Hall!)

Chatterbox - Rec style

And that also means we have only 3 more weeks of all-out summer programming. Then the last Chapter Focus Week, a weeks' relative quiet, then Empty Nesters Camp!

Sometime after that is my own departure from this place. That's very weird. The past year and a half, it's gotten comfortable seeing people come and go. And soon I'll be the one going. Nice to have this shift in thought. This has definitely played a good role in my over-the-slumpness of the past few days.

How to make it time that will last, leave the effect it should, and yet still remain in the moment?

Thoughts for the days.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Hey you.


It's been a good week. Seeing cousins, aunts, an uncle, and a couple dear friends.

Then it's gone so soon.


Has me thinking of those people that live for the weekend. And how I don't exactly want to go back to work after this 'weekend' either.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

To the land of the Trolls and beyond

I am looking forward to a little break from camp-land this week. What a great thing, that I can reasonably leave it (camp, which as many of you know encompasses your entire life if you're there in the summer working..) behind for a week to visit family etc. and have little to no qualms about 'missing' something. I love this part of working in community. When someone isn't there, others pick up for them.

Just read a neat little article from this gal on what the point is of work in Christian-land...not to be glad for the numbers of people, but for the people themselves. Away from that impersonal statistic and back to the idea of relationships. I hate that about Christian organizations, and the way they feel they need numbers to get more numbers...they miss the point and I should feel sad for them instead of getting mad. I suppose. How's that for a paragraph.

Here's to visiting the hot land down under the bridge...Port Huron, Tennessee, and southern Michigan family reunion, here I come!

I'm really hoping to be able to put up more pictures soon. From 4th of July, sailing, and swimming in 47 degree Lake Huron!
